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Jeffco Transition Services Community programs provide instruction mostly outside the classroom. Students can expect to receive about an hour of instruction in the morning before going into the community for the remainder of the day.

Most instruction is through travel training, field trips and internships. Students can also expect to receive an afternoon checkout in the classroom. Students will be trained to travel to and from class and job sites, with the expected outcome of being able to travel independently. Classes are located in the north, central and south areas of Jeffco. 

The JTS Community program may be provided for one to four days a week, depending on student need. The young adult schedules can be flexible to accommodate work or college or training courses. 

Staff provides fading support to the young adults, with the hope and expectation that they will be able to demonstrate independence in a variety of community settings, such as worksites, grocery stores, the library and shopping centers. 

Needed for the program: