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Student Life

Find information on schedules, programs and activities at Jeffco Transition Services School.

Student Experiences

JTS students will gain experience in independent living and employment skills, community connections and travel training. Experiences may include:

  • Independent living skills: home maintenance, cooking, finances, money management, getting and keeping a job, making friends, personal care and hygiene, healthy relationships and more.

  • Employment skills: applications, career exploration, resumes, interviewing, workplace relationships, basic and advanced work tasks, self-advocacy and more.
  • Community connections: guided excursions to various locations in the community including, but not limited to the library, grocery stores, malls, parks, museums, retail stores, banks, post offices, restaurants and more.
  • Travel training: guided training on using local transportation, including the city bus, light rail, Uber, Lyft and Access-a-Ride. 


Get information about JTS athletics, including sports offered and how to sign up.

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Bell Schedule

Access the JTS daily bell schedule.

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Jobs & Internships

JTS students can see a list of available job openings and internship opportunities.

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